Expenditure on health in India is at a global low of 1.2% of GDP.
An emerging Indian-American leader in California, Anish Mahajan, has been nominated by US First Lady Michelle Obama for the prestigious White House Fellowship for the year 2009-2010. 34-year-old Mahajan, a health services researcher, is the only Indian-American to figure in the list of 15 outstanding young men and women selected from across the United States for this fellowship.
The corona deaths in India so far add up to 91,149 (September 24, 3.26 pm). It is seven-and-a-half times the number of Indian soldiers slain in all the wars (1947, 1961-1962, 1965, 1971 and 1999) in post-independent India's history, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.
In IT, the two-way flow of investments and intellect has been central to the growing linkage, which provides a great opportunity for both nations to improve the quality of life of their citizens, says Raman Roy.
At least 25 of a total 60 Indian graduate students at Western Kentucky University have been asked to leave their computer science programme after the first semester as they do not meet its admission standards, a media report said on Tuesday.
Distinguished Indian American professor of psychiatry and neurosciences Dr Dilip V Jeste has been appointed the first associate dean for Healthy Aging and Senior Care at the University of California. In an exclusive conversation with Aziz Haniffa, Dr Jeste speaks elaborately on his road map ahead, and also the need to change mindset towards ageing and aged people.
Professor Dr Aravinda Chakravarti of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, who is president-elect of the American Society of Human Genetics, and Professor Dr K Ranga Rama Krishnan of the Duke University Medical Center, who is now setting up a medical school in Singapore for Duke, have been elected to the Institute of Medicine, one of the three components of the National Academy of Sciences.
Past Rhodes scholars from America who have studied at Oxford University include president Bill Clinton, the newly elected Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and the eminent surgeon and bestselling writer Atul Gawande.
Dr Prashanth Rangan was among the 22 outstanding early-career researchers who were named Pew Scholars in the Biomedical Sciences. Rediff.com's George Joseph reports
In an online chat with readers overseas consultant NNS Chandra offered advice.
'Prevention plus vaccination is what is going to take us into better territory by September or October.'
The lawsuit seeks an injunction to stop the entire rule from going into effect.
Puns flew high as President Obama cracked what he referred to as his "corny-copia of dad jokes about turkeys."
Arthur J Pais profiles this year's Truman Scholars.
General Surindar Bhaskar served as the 17th chief of the US Army Dental Corps.
According to global wealth intelligence and prospecting company Wealth-X, Buffett topped the list of the 10 biggest single charitable donors of 2014.
My goal is to implement the Sevak project all over India and make the villages true Gandhian villages -- self sustainable in every way, including health, says Dr Thakor Patel, head of the American Association of Physician of Indian Origin's Public Health Committee. Aziz Haniffa reports
On Sunday, 32 Americans from campuses across the country were named as Rhodes scholars, who will study at Oxford University starting next year.
Judith Faulkner's entrepreneurial journey could well be a case study for people worldwide.
'Infectious disease is a given of humankind. There will always be another around the corner.'
Dr Seshadri Ramkumar, associate professor, Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, has been honoured as Scientist of the Year, 2009, by the Lubbock Chapter of Achievement Rewards for College Scientists."Normally, very senior scientists who have reached national prominence get the honour," Ramkumar said. "This time, they were gracious to recognise me for my successful result using the nonwoven wipe and its technology transfer."
In an online chat, Neeraj Saxena, CEO, Avanse Education Loans answered reader queries on how to pick the right international programme.
He's created soluble protein biosensors to detect bacteria in water!
Banning meat is cruel demonetisation. It is stealing from the poor, nothing less, writes Sunita Narain.
'It might get worse. We don't really know what is it that is resulting in the high value of R now.'
United States President Barack Obama has announced his intention to nominate Indian-American Dr Vivek Hallegere Murthy as his next Surgeon General.
Indian American student Dr Sandeep Kishore, who was conferred with the 2012 Raymond W Sarber Awards, tells Aziz Haniffa what the award means to him and how he endeavours to bridge the gap between public sciences and public health.
The World Economic Forum last week named former Clinton Administration official, erstwhile Congressional staffer and longtime Democratic Party activist Shamina Singh, 41, as one of its Young Global Leaders for 2010.
A high-powered US delegation of top-notch American educators and researchers from six major medical schools, including Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Georgetown, will visit India on an ayurveda study-tour that could possibly lead to the incorporation of this ancient herbal remedies in the US medical curricula.
Dr Siddiqui is currently the vice president, Science and Regulatory Affairs at the Washington, DC-based CropLife America, where he is responsible for regulatory and international trade issues related to crop protection chemicals.
The Sigur Center for Asian Studies at George Washington University, as part of its expanding set of programs, including those on China, Japan, and Korea, has launched an India Initiative to be headed by Professor Deepa Ollapally, associate director at the center.
The scholars are awarded for their outstanding scholarly achievements, character, commitment to others and to the common good.
Highlights of the guidelines include emphasis on ongoing monitoring and management of asthma, routine use of inhaled corticosteroids as the standard of care for most patients with chronic persistent asthma, distinguishing between managing acute and chronic asthma, and the identification of new risk factors for the disease.
Madhu Gadia shows Arthur J Pais how healthy food can be finger-licking tasty.
In the concluding part of this series on three young Indians American who are pushing the boundaries in their respective fields, Arthur J Pais speaks with Dr Manu Prakash whose low-cost microscope and oral cancer detector that can save millions of lives were born out of empathy for poor people.
Dr Rajiv Shah, the senior-most Indian American in the Barack Obama administration, has been nominated as the administrator of the United States Agency for International Development -- the country's top foreign assistance programme.In nominating Shah, Obama said, "The mission of USAID is to advance America's interests by strengthening our relationships abroad. Rajiv brings fresh ideas and the dedication and impressive background necessary to help guide USAID."
The small Indian-American community -- constituting just about one per cent of the US population -- never had it so good as under the Barack Obama administration, with a record number of community members being roped in to head top administrative positions.
A nation that aspires to be a superpower and wants to join the ranks of global leaders in knowledge, science and technology should declare an all out war on ills like superstition and black magic at all levels, says Dinesh C Sharma.